August 1, 2012 - January 31, 2013 | The 6 months prior to the original blogging challenge.
February 1, 2013 - July 31, 2013 | The 6 months during and after the original blogging challenge.
I have told you about how I “Ate the Frog” and how I have grown professionally as a result of the Blogging Challenge and support from the Business Blogging School

Financial Growth.

My business has been transformed.  More of my ideal clients have walked through our door and less of the random, not my type of massage client.  At least once a week a new client will come in and mention something they saw on the blog.  I hear things like:

“You had the best information on pregnancy massage, so I wanted to schedule a massage.”
“You seem more knowledgeable than other websites I looked at.”
“You are a woman after my own heart, a geek…”
“You get the way my body works.”
“No one has ever discussed massage for G-Neck, thank you.”
“I took a road trip and remembered your tips on stretching.”
“Your blog made me want to see schedule an appointment.”

Very specific types of clients have come through our doors this year.  I give full credit to the blog for that.  I wrote a couple of posts about pregnancy massage and have had more clients request that service since February, than the last four years combined.   A similar thing happened when I wrote about sports massage.  That’s not even the best part!  Those new clients have then felt more confident in referring their friends and family to Balance and Peace. 

My website is on steroids.  I have an advantage and I’m capitalizing on it!  Balance and Peace has more hits, more views, and a higher ranking.  On Google, I am usually in the top 3.  With Google Maps on a mobile device I am the first option!  I realize that not every client that has come to Balance and Peace because we were the first option has necessarily read the blog, but the blog is what got them here.  I included some screenshots of from my Google analytics to show the difference. 

Next, I’ll tell you a little about how I have grown personally from the blogging challenge; this I think was the least expected consequence!

#22 in the 31 in August Blogging Challenge. 

11/10/2022 06:34:07 am

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