Yesterday, I discussed some of the things that embarrass me about our local chapter.  Today, I wanted to dive into those a little more and offer some thoughts on solutions or how things can change.  

Email communication. 

While there is appreciation in the effort to communicate with the local chapter via email, the boat is being missed.  An email the day of the meeting is too late for most people.  It’s a great reminder of the meeting, but most people would like to mark their calendars at least a week beforehand.  Yes, I know that the meeting is ALWAYS the second Wednesday of the month.  Guess what, not everyone does.  Or they forget.  Remind them. 

Use an email program. 

Mailchimp, for example, is FREE.  It’s easy to use.  It includes the spam disclaimer.  There is even a way for people to sign-up for newsletters that can be included on a website and Facebook.  Emails can be scheduled in advance.  It’s a pretty awesome tool. 

In the very least, proofread the communication.  Use spellcheck.  Use the BCC feature so everyone’s email address isn’t broadcasted.  That’s just great email etiquette.  I realize we are only human.  I’m not talking about the occasional typo. 

Use Facebook with intention and interact with chapter members. 

Cute photos of bunnies and squirrels are for friends, not a professional organization.  Share interesting blog articles.  There are a ton of them out there anywhere from business information, modalities, or some just sharing the humorous side of our profession.  Don’t just share the information posted on the state’s FSMTA Facebook page.  Chances are I’m a fan of that page too. 

Get a website. 

There are free and easy versions to use.  Personally, I love Weebly.  Other people I know prefer Wordpress.  Post information about the upcoming classes.  Have information on who is on the board.  Explain the duties of their position.  Give us a way to contact you.  Start a blog, they are pretty handy.  You could even ask for members of the chapter to guest write a post.  The possibilities are limited only by your inaction. 

Stop making excuses. 

Several months ago, I mentioned a website and email and being more interactive.  I was barraged with a list of excuses.  The State level hasn’t given us an accurate email list.  We don’t even know who our members are.  The State charged us for a Facebook page I’m not sure what they would charge for a website.  People don’t know when the meetings are.  We live in Lower Alabama… The list goes on. 

Guess what?  Our organization is only as strong as our leadership.  As a leader you have a low opinion of our chapter and make excuses, how will you ever strive for excellence?  There are some valid concerns, but do something to create a change.  Don’t just sit around and bitch about nobody doing anything.  For the most part people aren’t involved because they don’t know about it and they feel like there is an “us versus them” mentality.  A pretty interesting conversation is starting on another post, check it out

You have the power to changed that but it involves letting go of some ego, accepting things are changing, and adapting.  If you need help, ask.  Not once have I seen an email or Facebook post asking for any help.  The Gulf Coast is craving change and connection.  

I’m embarrassed by my local professional organization chapter.  I’m so embarrassed, that while at the One Concept American Massage Conference in Atlanta, I expressed my feelings to the State President of the organization.

Our local chapter does not have a website.  Our chapter leadership does not interact well on Facebook.   I don’t believe there is a Twitter account.  Emails are sent with poor grammar and sentence structure. 

I’m embarrassed that a local member goes to State level meetings and gives the excuse that “I’m from lower Alabama…” for our lack of professionalism and involvement.  I think that mindset is bullshit.  (I expressed that feeling as well.) 

The answer I was given?  You should volunteer…


I know people that have tried to become active and they feel like their efforts were under-minded.  There is even a rumor that applications to run for a board position were “lost” somehow and they became ineligible to run.  WHY DOES THIS RUMOR EXIST?

There is a need to be progressive and keep up with the way our society and our profession is changing.  If we don’t adapt, we will become obsolete.  Period. 

I expect more from our professional organizations than cheap insurance and free continuing education.   I expect an organization that brings the bar up and help massage therapists become excellent.  I expect awesome.  I’m sorry, but cute kitten photos on Facebook and ill-written emails do not cut it.

I want an organization that I would be proud to tell other colleagues to join. 

What expectations do you have of your professional organization?  What can we do to make changes that matter?