In late January, Allissa Haines of Writing a Blue Streak posted a little link to sign up for a “mini” blogging challenge in February.  It was only “mini” in the sense the challenge gave us weekends off, 20 blog posts in 28 days. 

I had read here and there that blogging or “content marketing” was becoming an important aspect of online marketing.  When trying different things for marketing sometimes it is a little difficult to weed the crap out from the garden.  I had even played around with writing an occasional post.  People periodically mentioned a particular post, but nothing spectacular happened.  There were no fireworks.  

To be honest though, I hadn’t put much effort into it.   

Back to the February Challenge.

I hopped on over from the Facebook post to sign up for this challenge on the website for Business Blogging School.  (You should check them out, Dawn and Kelli are awesome!)  Once signed up, you join a Facebook group for the challenge and it felt like getting the secret handshake to the cool kid playground.  I honestly remember gulping. 

What the fuck did I just get myself into?
  1. Twenty posts in twenty days.  I haven’t written a total of twenty posts. EVER. 
  2. These people know what they are doing.  These are THE Witty, Knowledgeable, Mack Daddy, Bad-Asses in the blogging world.  I READ their blogs.
  3. Do people really care what I have to say? 

I also thought:
  1. This is the accountability that I need to really give blogging a try. 
  2. Who better to learn from than people I admire. 
  3. I could really use the encouragement and tips this challenge provides.  
  4. What an awesome playground to feel connected to other people who have the same tribulations and triumphs that I have had in the massage business.
  5. I can do this, even if I’m not perfect. 

I jumped in with all of my clothes on.  It ended up not being as bad as I thought it would be.  It was dare I say… FUN.  I was able to conquer the mini challenge.  It was rough.  I stumbled a few times.  I’m sure I even ended up with mud on my face.  But I made it, and the participants all celebrated each other.  Everyone supported, encouraged, and taught something to each other. 

Best of all, I reaped more benefits than I could possibly imagine.  I’ll tell you more about that tomorrow.  

I think I first read about eating the frog from Allissa, but I know there have been other references somewhere.

#19 in the 31 in August Blogging Challenge

10/18/2019 08:16:33 pm

Balance and peace is what I need in my life right now. Well, I am still fairly young, however, I think that I am already making a lot of mistakes. I mean, all of my peers are already building up a career for themselves and here I am, still the boring person that I am. I hope that I can find a balance in my life. I really wish that I just find what I want to do in this life of mine.


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