Especially when you are a starting out, it’s easy to think that you NEED every client that calls you.  Stop thinking that way!  You can’t be everything to every body.  When you try to do this, you are doing yourself and your clients a disservice!  

Define the types of clients that give you the most joy to work on.  Those are the clients that you want and should go after.  Simply filling the massage table with every person makes no sense for you to thrive long term. 

Be genuine.  Don’t try to be the person that each potential client wants.  If they love energy work and that is not your thing, don’t fake doing energy work to make them happy.  If a client coming in only wants early morning appointments and you don’t like mornings, they will notice it when you fake your morning enthusiasm.  If you hate trigger point work like I do, don’t pretend to be a trigger point master.   

It’s not personal.  When a person isn’t the ideal client for you, it’s not saying anything against them.  It’s not a judgment. 

When a potential client just doesn’t “click” with you, let them go.  Better opportunities will be out there.  I recently had a client become upset with me because I was “fluttering around all stressed out” while I was setting up the room for her.  She was almost 20 minutes early for her appointment and apparently I don’t set up the room in a zen enough manner.  She interpreted the “please have a seat while I use the time before your appointment to get everything ready” as negative stress.  Not only that, she thought my “stress” would rub off on her.  Yes, I was getting things done, but I wasn’t stressed.  (At least up until the point where she was accusing me of being stressed out and ruining her day.) Perception is interesting.  She ended up leaving before her appointment started.  I wished her well. This is not my ideal client. 

What ended up happening is that I was available for client that happened to walk by and needed a massage.  I made a great connection with a new client that has already booked another appointment.  She was great and I was able to help her with her needs! It was an amazing opportunity.

Think about the favorite massage you love to perform.  Think about the client that energizes you.  Focus your intention on that massage and those clients.  That will build a business and clientele that feeds your soul and enriches your life.  

#9 of 31 in the August blogging challenge.  I'm trying my best to hang in there!  

8/26/2013 04:56:56 am

Hi I really enjoyed your article it was very helpful and informative. I look forward too more articles too read.

8/2/2017 10:02:17 pm

Nice post.

10/12/2017 12:25:03 pm

There are overt lessons about business marketing strategy all around you. Here's an example of one of them. I had to give my son a lift into town this morning, and while we were driving down the road, we saw a billboard selling health plans.


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